Climate-safe Living

Posts Tagged ‘Fossil fuel’

Three Simple Rules for Climate-Safe Living

In Demand, Eliminate, Enviroment, Reduce on October 30, 2008 at 2:43 am

Our fingers are glued to the global climate thermostat as we continue to pump ever more climate-altering gases into the atmosphere.

And, in a feverish delirium where the present has been severed from the future, we dial it higher and higher. Foolishly and dangerously.

An urgent shift to “Climate-safe Living” is necessary to dial down the temperature on our global greenhouse.

How can we make this shift?

Practice These Three Simple Rules:

1. Reduce.

Reduce fossil fuel consumption everywhere.

2. Eliminate.

Eliminate all non-essential activities and products that involve burning fossil fuel.

3. Demand.

Demand that business and government provide transport, activities and products that use minimize fossil fuel use.

R.E.D.  Reduce.  Eliminate.  Demand. 

This site is dedicated to finding ways to shift to climate-safe lifestyles.

Please share  your tips, ideas, and suggestions as comments or via email: writer steve AT gmail DOT com (no spaces)

Stephen Leahy, Environmental Journalist